Sunday, April 9, 2017

Tasting Aveleda Praia

Name: Aveleda Praia

Variety: Blend
Region: Vinho Verde
Country: Portugal
Price: $8.95
Winery review: 
It's rare to find a Vinho Verde – the famously light and refreshing "green" white wine of Portugal – that isn't delightful, but this is one of the best of the breed. And there's no better time to quaff these wines than in the spring and summer. This version is lightly effervescent, with a lively acidity that wakes up the palate. It combines lime and peach flavors with a whiff of sea breeze. Somehow it manages to be both ethereal and penetrating.

My review: Woah. This one was pretty acidic. Acidic and citrusy yet also pretty clean to the pallet. The chill lightens up the acid and lets so light fruit revel itself. Really lemony and limey with a metallic aftertaste. Sort of like ethanol. 
I tasted this on its own with no food.

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